The Importance of Secure Data Exchange between Hospitals and Their Provider Partners
Hospitals and their healthcare provider partners are teaming up to provide coordinated and seamless patient care which reduces medical errors and improves healthcare quality, while lowering costs. How can healthcare organizations succeed in delivering both high-quality care and reducing their costs? The answer is: by utilizing technology that provides complete interoperability. This kind of technology securely connects the dots between patients and healthcare providers, while also improving workflows.
The right – secure — interoperability communication solutions that meet all HIPAA compliance standards can improve the clinical communications within any healthcare organization. They improve communication across the entire healthcare delivery system by connecting clinicians, administrators and patients in a more secure and cost-effective technology environment.
Integration of interoperability technology is critical. Beware of proprietary solutions that “build siloes” and do not work with other third-party platforms, devices or networks which are used widely by hospitals and other healthcare providers. Select an interoperability solution that is built upon open, standards-based communication technologies which gives users the freedom to communicate over multiple devices, such as mobile phones, tablets, laptops or desktop computers.
Scalability and flexibility are also important. Choose an interoperability solution that will support your organizations size and is flexible enough to meet all of your clinical communication needs.
Adopting a secure, standards-based interoperability communication solution is one important way that hospitals can provide coordinated and seamless patient care, while improving healthcare quality and lowering costs.
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